This week hasn’t been going quite to plan. In the good news column: I passed a draft of Cloud Nine to one of my critique partners. In the is-it-over-yet? column: I have a stomach bug that just won’t quit.

In the name of distraction from anxiety tummy tripled by nausea, I’m prepping myself for the third season of Game of Thrones. It premieres this coming Sunday, and I’ve been re-watching earlier seasons On Demand. (Thank you, HBO, for making every season available.)

I also discovered the Join the Realm app, which lets you create your House banner. Sure, you could join the Starks and proclaim Winter is Coming, but I’ll tell you House Mueller promises Snark & Switch Kicks. Yes, this is what I do when I’m sick.

Join The Realm - House Mueller

Have suggestions of online distractions? Share in the comments, or share your own House banner and words. In the meantime, I’m going to work on recuperating (the fever has broken!) and plan to return with a Write Like a Fighter post soon.

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